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Tag Archives: LVASports
Beating the UFC
Gambling columnist Michael Kaplan interviews savvy sports bettors who’ve found a way to profit from the UFC, of whom’s Alf Musketa is a prime example. Sept./Oct. issue, 2011. “When they started putting lines on all the fights, I knew … Continue reading
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An Early Way to Beat the Odds handicapping guru Fezzik is interviewed by the Wall Street Journal in the run-up to NFL season. August 3, 2011 The wise guys like their chances again this year. Steve Fezzik, a professional sports bettor in Las Vegas and two-time … Continue reading
Football contests can offer nice value handicapping guru Fezzik talks to R-J sports writer Matt Youmans about the pros and cons of football contests. Aug. 27, 2010 In one corner is Steve Fezzik, a back-to-back winner of the Las Vegas Hilton SuperContest, the most prestigious … Continue reading
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Las Vegas Pool Season Begins
Anthony Curtis’ nationally syndicated weekly column. March 10, 2010 Pool season? Already? It is if you’re in Las Vegas. Whereas most peg the start of the vibrant casino pool scene to Memorial Day weekend, it actually begins … Continue reading
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Las Vegas sports bettor runs through Hilton contest again
LVASports moderator Fezzik defies the odds to win the LV Hilton SuperContest two years in succession. Jan. 16, 2010 “If you ask me what sport is my specialty, I’d say football, but it’s really football contests,” said Fezzik, … Continue reading
Packers Provide Postseason Value
January 4, 2010 LVASports‘ Fezzik wins the most prestigious handicapping contest in Las Vegas for the second year running. After a snowstorm in Buffalo and a late touchdown in Seattle, Fezzik emerged from Week 17 as the winner … Continue reading
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Tagged Fezzik, football, handicapper, Las Vegas, LVASports, sports betting
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