Game-protection expert and Huntington Press author Bill Zender is featured as one of the guests on KNPR’s “State of Nevada” show.
Former casino manager at the Aladdin Hotel-Casino Bill Zender told KNPR’s State of Nevada that in the 70s and 80s casino security would drag card counters to the casino cage have them cash out and then drag them outside.
That is not what security does now. Instead, players who are caught counting cards are asked not to play 21 any more.
Zender actually dealt with one of the teams from MIT that were counting cards. The team was depicted in the film “21.”
He said the team he dealt with got away with $50,000, but they should have only won$5,0oo.
“They just got really lucky,” Zender said. “You don’t have to be a genius to count cards, but they had backing.”
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