November 12, 2010
The Travel section of today’s USA Today carries a big feature by Kitty Yancey about the Top 10 decadent things to do in Las Vegas, for which Anthony Curtis and Las Vegas Advisor were a major source of information, and shared stories of the seamier sides of Sin City.
Over drinks at the Golden Gate Hotel & Casino downtown, where eye candy in fringed bikinis shimmies on a platform outside and dances and deals poker inside to goose business, former professional gambler and president Anthony Curtis tells of gamblers wetting their pants in casinos “because they didn’t want to leave” during a winning streak.
Derek Stevens, CEO of the half-century-old Golden Gate (“What happens in Vegas started here” is its slogan), says he has witnessed a customer who brings in a pit bull and “stuffs his money in a black pouch on the dog. Nobody is going to touch the dog.”
Click here to read the whole feature.